Save Gas and Lower Your Cost of Transportation (saving money tips)

Looking for saving money tips on gas? Here are interesting saving money tips that you can apply. Enjoy reading! and apply the saving money tips recommended here.

Save Gas and Lower Your Cost of Transportation

The best way to save gas is to leave your car in the driveway. The more it sits in the driveway, the less often you'll need to take it to the gas station, and that means you save gas and save money. It's a simple approach and it works very well.

Think about how many dollars in fuel each of your trips require, and you might be surprised how much discretionary trips are costing you. Each discretionary trip that you avoid will help you save gas and save money.

There are plenty of things each of us can do to save gas, but as you probably know, there is a different kind of price we have to be willing to pay. Often that price comes in the form of inconvenience or a shift in lifestyle.

If you want to get serious about saving gas, I have 36 ideas to share with you. Some of the most effective of these are:

    * Buy fuel in bulk during annual low prices. That means stocking up on 500 to 1,500 gallons of fuel during January or February. A big money saver, but not feasible for many people who live in urban areas.
    * Minimize the times and distances you drive your car for discretionary purposes by planning your activities. This means that some days you don't drive at all.
    * Live closer to where you often need to go. This could eliminate the need for a motor vehicle entirely. What a great way to save money.
    * Use alternate transportation, such as a bicycle, bus, train or consider walking. The thought doesn't feel right to many of us, as we love our cars and the convenience and freedom they give us, but we do have choices other than our motor vehicles.
    * Tele-commute. A great way to cut the cost of transportation and reduce stress. If you have a job that would fit a tele-commuting scenario, run the idea by your employer. Even part time tele-commuting can make a big difference in the amount of money you spend on fuel.

In my own personal crusade to save gas and lower my overall cost of living, I have taken the following steps to reduce my fuel consumption and lower my transportation costs. I have reduced fuel costs by about 75% now that I:

    * Operate a home-based business that allows me to tele-commute.
    * Wait until I have several reasons before making a trip, especially for errands.
    * Share errands and driving with my neighbors.
    * Buy fuel in bulk at the lowest price of the year. This saves up to $1 per gallon.
    * Reside in a less congested area.
    * Purchase vehicles with a deliberate focus on fuel efficiency.
    * Drive more conservatively.

My perspective on fuel prices and the cost of transportation is simple. No one is going to save me from unwise decision-making except me, so I better get with it. I can't influence the energy markets, but I can influence my own personal choices in light of those marketplaces.

Clair Schwan is an expert in frugal living, and has 36 ways to save gas, get better gas mileage and purchase cheaper fuel. See his gas saving ideas and more frugal living tips at

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