How to Save Money on Gifts (saving money tips)

Saving Money Tips - How to Save Money on Gifts

You do not have to be spendthrift when it comes to giving gifts. Always remember "it is the thought that counts". You can start minimizing your allocation on gifts that would cost you hundred of dollars. The best policy is opting for things that require less money but still bring joy and amusement to the receiver. Here are 3 simple yet creative ways of saving money on gifts.

1. Start your own gift closet.
You can shop for gifts the whole year-round. There is no need to wait till holidays, because prices are higher during those times. Besides, there would be less hassle and avoid you to spend more.

To fill up you gift closet, you can buy gifts at special sales, bazaars, car-boot-sale, and out-of-town trips. This would definitely be a money saver. Besides collecting gifts, it is best if you can collect ribbons, wrapping paper, gift boxes and other gift decorations as well. Your gifts will be better appreciated when it is nicely wrapped.

Always remember to make an inventory of all your gifts. This is to avoid duplication of gifts, as well as allowing you to keep track on what you have in your gift closet.

2. Put on some creativity
Try to personalize your gifts. A gift that was specially made by the giver normally are much appreciated. For example, if you are good at cross stitching, you can create one rather than buying one. In this way, you do not only create a smile to the recipient but also can save a lot on your gift allocation.

3. Plan you gifts purchase.
Before going to shop for the gifts, prepare and bring with you a shopping list. The list may contain the names of the person whom will be receiving the gift, the kind of gifts suitable for them and the budget for each person. In this way, you are not only save your shopping time, but also lessen the tendency to buy unnecessary gifts.

The bottom line is that, giving gifts should not be a burden to your pocket and mind. The most important thing is your remembrance of that person on that very special day. That would be enough for them to feel they are special and appreciated by you.

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